Pearl 3: Improving on Saddleback search
Given function f(x,y) -> z , where x,y,z are Natural numbers.
f( , ) is strictly increasing in both it's arguments.
Write the function invert which returns all the pairs (x,y) such that
Two methods: One that 'kind off' goes along a 'line' from top-left to bottom right, walking on the 'iso-line'.
The second is based on binary search, with the right limits, on different rows/columns
module P3 where
-- Test function
f (x,y) = x+2*y
--f (x,y) = 3*x+27*y+y^2
--f (x,y) = x^2+y^2+x+y
-- Brute force
-- Requires (z+1)^2 evaluations of f
invert1 f z = [(x,y) | x<-[0..z],y<-[0..z],f (x,y) == z]
-- Saddleback search
-- Going from the top left to the bottom right, but moving to the right
-- in smart way, so NOT searching the whole triangle. More like searching
-- along a line.
invert2 f z = find2 (0,m) f z n
                    -- determine boundaries of 'box' to search"
                    -- m on the y-axis, n on the x
                    -- we will search in the (0,0) (m,n) box
                    m = bsearch (\y->f(0,y)) (-1,z+1) z
                    n = bsearch (\x->f(x,0)) (-1,z+1) z
find2 (u,v) f z n
    | u > n || v < 0    =    []                            -- if we are out of the box: Stop
    | z'<  z            =     find2 (u+1,v) f z n            -- we started from the TOP on the y-axis in every column
                                                        -- so if we stepped down on the column and didn't find it,
                                                        -- move one column to the right
    | z'== z            =     (u,v) : find2 (u+1,v-1) f z n-- We found one!! go to the right
    | z'>  z             =    find2 (u,v-1) f z n            -- Keep going down this column. we are still too large.
        z' = f(u,v)
-- regular binary search
bsearch g (a,b) z
    | a+1 == b         = a                 -- no more 'segment' left
    | g m <= z        = bsearch g (m,b) z -- look at the top segment
    | otherwise     = bsearch g (a,m) z -- look at the bottom segment
        m = (a + b) `div` 2
-- Binary search-2D, full swing
invert3 f z =     find3 (0,m) (n,0) f z
                    m = bsearch (\y->f(0,y)) (-1,z+1) z
                    n = bsearch (\x->f(x,0)) (-1,z+1) z
find3 (u,v) (r,s) f z
    | u > r || v < s     = []    -- out of bounderies
    | v-s <= r-u         = rfind (bsearch (\x->f(x,q)) (u-1,r+1) z)    -- Rows are longer than columns: search along row
    | otherwise         = cfind (bsearch (\y->f(p,y)) (s-1,v+1) z)    -- Column search
        p         = (u+r) `div` 2
        q        = (v+s) `div` 2
        rfind p = (if f (p,q) == z     then (p,q): find3 (u,v) (p-1,q+1) f z     -- Top-Left Rectangle
                                    else find3 (u,v) (p,q+1) f z ) ++
                    find3 (p+1,q-1) (r,s) f z                                -- Bottom-Right rectangle
        cfind q = find3 (u,v) (p-1,q+1) f z ++                                -- Top-Left
                  (if f (p,q) == z     then (p,q): find3 (p+1,q-1) (r,s) f z    -- Bottom-Right
                                    else find3 (p+1,q) (r,s) f z )
-- Main
main = do
    putStr "Brute force       : "
    print $ invert1 f 18
    putStr "Saddleback search : "
    print $ invert2 f 18
    putStr "Binary 2D search  : "
    print $ invert3 f 18